Ayurvedic Remedies for the Relief of Piles
Piles have become a common disease today. People experience pain in the anal area during bowel movements and would look for permanent treatment to get rid of painful piles. Ayurveda is an old medicinal practice in India and has many remedies to get relief of piles. The best thing about Ayurvedic remedies is that these are holistic and would address the healing issue from the roots and treat the mind, body and soul. It also brings back the doshas which are causing this illness back to normal by reducing the symptoms. Ayurveda deals with three different doshas such as Pitta, Vata and Kapha. Each dosha is related to nature. The pitta is a fire element, Vata is an air element and Kapha is a water element. In case the person is prone to all of these dosha types will showcase different types of physical and emotional traits concerning to that element.
The main aim of Ayurveda is to balance the dosha which is taking a toll on your health through changes in lifestyle, diet and home remedies. Piles are a disease where the person has swollen veins around the anal area causing bleeding during or after the bowel movement. There will be a lot of pain around the anus.
Ayurvedic remedies to get relieved from piles
Embracing ayurvedic approaches to treat piles will give quick relief from piles. People who want to alleviate this problem and go for ayurvedic treatment would expect the treatment to be an amalgamation of lifestyle changes, minimally invasive procedures, diet, and home remedies as part of the treatment plan. The ayurvedic practitioner first determines the type of dosha with which you are prone and treat accordingly. The treatment approach differs from dosha to dosha.
Medication or bhaishajya chikitsa
If you are prone to piles which are mild and in the initial stage, then it is easy to treat with medication without having to go through any surgical procedure. Until and unless the piles or haemorrhoids are severe, you do not have to undergo any other procedure. In case of the worse scenario, you will need to use both medicine and the procedure. Based on the dosha you are prone to; the medicines will be prescribed by the ayurvedic practitioner. They also suggest the diet and lifestyle changes you have to make to get rid of this problem at the earliest. Making these changes will not let you prone to piles again in the future.
Herbal treatment or Kshara
Kshara also known as the alkaline paste is used for treating piles. The paste is made with a mix of different herbs causing cauterization. The herbal paste is applied on piles with the help of a special device, which is known as a slit proctoscope. The paste will cauterize piles chemically. The swollen veins around the anal area will be reduced. In Ayurveda, this kind of approach is considered to be a highly effective way to treat piles. However, based on the dosha to which you are prone, you may be advised by the ayurvedic practitioner to also take medication to balance the body. You also need to make dietary changes and adjust your lifestyle for quick healing. Herbal medicines sometimes will be allergic to a few patients. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you test the cream before applying it to your arms. In case no reaction takes place, then you can apply this to the anal area.
Surgical treatment or sastra chikitsa
If the piles are severe and cannot be cured with medicine and diet, then the final option is to undergo sastra chikitsa. It uses a special type of thread to tie the haemorrhoid at the base. This ceases the blood supply to veins and lets the haemorrhoid shrink in a week. This detaches itself. It is an invasive approach but is opted for only when the other treatments are not working for the piles patient. However, the dosha type is also considered by the Ayurvedic practitioner while treating the patient with this treatment. However, some herbs are required post-operation for quick healing. You also have to make changes to your diet, perform exercises and avoid getting prone to haemorrhoids in the future. Though, it is not so invasive, yet may be some risks.
Cauterization or Agni karma
The external haemorrhoids would be cauterized with infrared heat. The practitioners will burn off the swollen veins. However, it causes a bit of pain to the patient. It is not just a single sitting, but you would need to go through this treatment around 6 to 7 times over a few weeks. The dosha will be taken into account while performing this treatment on you.
If you are having piles, then immediately you need to consult the ayurvedic practitioner. We at Jivaasri have enough experience treating different types of piles in patients suffering from different dosha miraculously. The treatments will balance the three doshas in the body without causing any side effects. Going for treatment in the initial stage of piles will avoid surgeries and gives long-term relief from this illness.